Parker Peak Performance

Unlock Your Highest Potential

We’ve designed this site as an essential resource for people like you — high performance individuals who want to unlock their highest potential and live every day at their Peak Performance.

What is a high performance individual? It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a pro athlete or a mountain climber (although some of our clients do those things!). It means that whatever your walk of life or your background, you demand the best of yourself. Good enough is never enough. And you want to get the very most out of your physical and mental performance.

Whether your goal is as general as improving your fitness or reducing your stress, or as specific as running a marathon or rebuilding your body, we’re here to help.

What I’ve learned through years of being a nutritionist, a professional athlete, a personal trainer, coupled with tons of research, is that you CAN look and feel your very best, but it requires a very different orientation toward food, exercise and sleep than what we’ve been taught. In the next section, you can read about our approach to laying the foundations of your Peak Performance.

The Pillars of Your Peak Performance

1. Nutrition

Hydration might be the most underrated thing when it comes to optimizing human performance. Water is not only responsible for countless physiological human functions but also accounts for many brain functions as well. By simply being hydrated you increase productivity, regulate appetite, improve concentration, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function, among many other things.

Food and nutrition can seem very complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. No matter your preference in taste or specific diet, there are a few common themes to remember: eat clean, minimally processed whole foods, be sure to get in plenty of fresh veggies, and don’t overeat. We start by educating you on how to be mindful and aware when you sit down to eat, really learning to listen to your body’s natural hunger signals. From there, we can develop a nutrition plan that works specifically for you.

Supplements are just that – they complement your diet if you are unable to get all of the micronutrients you need from whole foods. Food will always be your foundation, but for times when you can’t get in everything you need, supplements help you fill gaps, elevate performance, and support recovery. Your specific needs and goals will determine which supplements are best for you.

2. Movement

As humans, we are all athletes. We want and need our bodies to perform at their best. To live at your Peak Performance you have to learn how to move well and then move often. Your personal preferences should determine what type of training you do as if you don’t enjoy your training you are less likely to do it consistently. From there, we can look at your specific goals and timeline for those goals to create a training program that will 1. keep you healthy and injury-free (because if you are injured it’s harder for you to train) and 2. produce results.

3. Recovery

Sleep Hygiene
When it comes to your overall well-being and health, getting the proper amount and quality of sleep takes precedence over everything else. The science of sleep is still relatively new, but the more we learn about it, the more we realize how important sleep really is. Optimize your sleep and you optimize your performance.

Stress Management
High amounts of stress, both mentally and physically, can lead to poor results and even regression when it comes to reaching your goals. Stress is not always a bad thing, however, and we actually need a certain amount of stress to be able to adapt and grow. Our goal is to optimize the amount of stress that your mind and body encounters.

4. Mindset

Mindset is actually the most important dimension of all, as without this, optimizing the other 3 is impossible. While we work on creating a precise nutrition program, optimize your levels of movement, and ensure you’re getting the proper amount and type of recovery (especially quality sleep), we will also work on developing the right mindset to support and achieve your ambitious goals. All high performance individuals come to understand, sooner or later, the supreme importance of having a great mental game as they approach life’s challenges and opportunities.

Understand you CAN have the body that you want; you CAN feel your best; and you can live every day at your Peak Performance.

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