
Optimize Your Health & Performance

Whether you’re on the other side of the planet or reside right here in New York City, high-performance coaching is at your fingertips. Beginner to Elite Athlete, we can either write you your own personal fitness program specialized to meet your specific goals, or we can work together one-on-one in person or virtually. Choose the option below that works best for you to find out more.

No workout can outwork poor nutrition. Conversely, to optimize your nutrition program, you have to be training intelligently. Let us build you a customized workout program that is tailored to your exact needs, fitness level, and goals, enabling you to reach your Peak Performance.

Workout Programming

Wanting to train on your own but confused on what to do or even where to begin? Let us write you a training program to help you reach your goals.

Tailored to your precise needs, TrainingPeaks allows us to write state-of-the-art endurance training programs for you that you can do on your own. Pair this with a Cardiometabolic Experience to not only see what specific physiological system may be holding you back, but also dial in your exact training zones so you know you’re working at the proper intensities for every training session. Train smarter and harder for your next race and never stop pushing towards your goals.

APEX Workouts customize a program for you regardless of fitness level, movement abilities, and even acute and/or chronic injuries. Each exercise comes with its own video on how to perform it and all of the details are laid out for you. You’ll also have the option to progress or regress individual exercises as well as decide between different daily workouts to complete.

Personal Training

Looking to get your sweat on with us? Whether you’re on the other side of the planet or right here in New York City, we have the answer for you.

Come train, one-on-one with us, at New York City’s most exclusive and high-end training facility – Reload.

Not in New York City? Contact Us and ask about how to set up private one-on-one virtual personal training sessions.

Spots are limited. Please complete this form for consideration.

Endurance Programming


Powered by TrainingPeaks

For teams and individuals looking to upgrade their training, we utilize the TrainingPeaks platform to deliver fully customized plans designed to prepare you for all of the demands of your upcoming race.

Individually Customized Training
Regardless of if you’re running your first 5k or taking on a 200-miler, we customize your training program to meet you where you’re currently at and help progress you where you need to be on race day. Built to make you better at your sport, each training program is unique to your race, experience level, age, gender, body type, and schedule.

Intuitive Training Interface
Easily navigate the TrainingPeaks platform to see what your training consists of over the coming days as well as your stats from previous training sessions and weeks. TrainingPeaks is compatible with many tracking apps such as Garmin and Strava, so everything is automatically imported to your account after completing a workout.

Built For Your Needs
We’ll schedule your training program around your needs – how many days a week you have available to train, how many hours a day, your preferred off days, and any other priorities and requests will be accommodated to make sure that your training programs works for you.

Adapting As Needed
Travel, injuries, work, and other forms of “life” always show up. When this happens, we’ll help shift things as needed to make sure that your priorities are always taken care of while still being able to take care of yourself and your goals.


Gold Coaching

$399 per month
  • WEEKLY Coaching: Up to 30-minute Zoom calls for program review, advanced educational topics and motivation. Highly detailed program design updated in 7-day increments
  • Custom Training Plan: Updated weekly
  • Unlimited Communication: Unlimited contact & support with your Coach*
  • Training Peaks Basic Account
  • *Within business hours


Silver Coaching

$299 per month
  • BI-MONTHLY Coaching: Up to 30-minute Zoom calls for program review, educational topics and motivation. Highly detailed program design updated in 14-day increments
  • Custom Training Plan: Updated bi-monthly
  • Unlimited Email Communication: Unlimited support via email with your Coach
  • Training Peaks Basic Account


Bronze Coaching

$199 per month
  • MONTHLY Coaching: Up to 30-minute Zoom calls for program review, educational topics and motivation. Detailed program design updated in monthly increments
  • Custom Training Plan: Updated monthly
  • Weekly Email Communication: 1 contact & support request weekly to your coach via email.
  • Training Peaks Basic Account

Strength Programming


Powered by ProCoach

While the APEX Workouts can be done separate and independent of the APEX Nutrition program, it is highly recommended that you utilize these two powerful tools in tandem. Both software programs were designed to go hand-in-hand, working together to help you maximize your results

Each day, you’ll receive a Workout card and a Review card on the Today screen. The Review card is used to track your consistency (completion). These cards also contain an explanation of the workouts found in that phase, and it’s where you’ll find a calendar-like schedule of when Workout cards will be assigned to you.

The Workout card contains the workout options and exercises.

First, you’ll select from:

  • Full workout
  • At-home workout (minimal equipment)
  • Quick workout (don’t have much time)
  • Doing my own workout

When you select one of the first 3 workout options, the exercises will appear below:

The exercises for the selected workout option are listed in order of expected completion.

There are written instructions for each set, including reps and rounds.

Each exercise has a complete list of instructions including photos and an HD quality demonstration video:

In the Workout cards containing a scheduled workout (eg. Upper Body 1), you’ll see the question: Which workout will you do today?

Based on your available time and equipment, you are prompted to choose one of the following options:

Option 1: Full workout (Gym-based)
The full workout is for when you have access to a gym.
To do these workouts, you will need standard gym equipment:

  • barbells
  • squat rack / cage
  • dumbbells
  • a pull-up bar
  • an adjustable cable machine
  • benches
  • exercise bands

Option 2: At-home workout (Minimal equipment)
The at-home workout is a variation of the gym-based workout version (Full workout) but designed to be done with minimal equipment.
This is a great and effective option for when you are working out at home or traveling.
For these workouts, you will only need:

  • one dumbbell
  • an exercise band
  • something to anchor the band to

Option 3: Quick workout
If you’re busy, rushed, or looking for a brief “hit” of exercise that isn’t a full session, you can try the quick workout.

This is a condensed version that hits the main goals of each workout in less time – so you can get your workouts done in about 30 minutes or less.

This is also a good option if you feel like your body needs a bit of a break and do not want to take the day off entirely.

Option 4: Doing your own workout
Of course, you always have the option to choose something else: a sport you enjoy, playing road hockey with your kids, etc.

Some exercises will have options to modify too. To see these, you click the Modify button:

You can increase and decrease intensity, as indicated by our mascot Badgey on the right.

When you select “Doing my own workout”, a form field will appear below. This is a space for you to type in your workout details for your own reference.

The Workout cards are editable after they are submitted, so you can access the other workout options, exercises, and modifications as needed.

Each day, you are assigned a Review card.

You click “Yes” or “No” to completing your workout for that day.

Within the Review card, there is an overview of the workout programming in this phase, as well as a schedule:

After you submit a Review card, you can see your progress tracked in the “Your Progress” area of your program dashboard:

It’s easy for you to change your workout schedule. In the Review card, there’s a schedule that you can refer to, to see when cards will be assigned.

While the cards will be assigned as per the schedule, you can choose to do a workout on a later date.

Here’s what we recommend:

Instead of selecting the workout under “Which workout will you do today?”, you can dismiss it to the Course Archive so that you can find it there tomorrow.

No matter what workout option you choose, as long as you click “Yes” for doing the daily workout, it will count towards your progress.

Now, because the Workout and Review cards are assigned to you as per the schedule, and you can track your activity on a different date, you might be frustrated by a perceived “inaccuracy” in the recording of the workouts you have completed.

Our advice here is to focus on staying consistent instead of on the particulars of when you did what you did.

Looking to up your game? Train in-person with Lance Parker at New York City’s most innovative training facility – Reload.


Cardio Metabolic

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Blood Testing

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